Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Jim Iyke & his boo Nadia talks about their love on social media

They’re back together and like the good old days  the two lovebirds took to social media  to express their love for each other. Yesterday Nadia wrote on twiter   ‘When u love someone, all ur saved up wishes start coming out.’ I guess his man has been doing a great deal  to keep that love afire. Just hours ago he wrote on instagram…

“I open doors for the most part. Draw out chairs. I'm strong enough to apologise first most times. The kid in me keeps her laughing hysterically when we match wits. I discuss global warming n Politics momentarily. I also pull her hair, maim undergarments, smack her derrière, make her sob uncontrollably and speak in strange languages Iam yet to decipher until my morning thunder ebbs. It is the gent n street in me she loves. It's the delicate art of deliberate selection I honed. Damn! I miss certain mornings. #Introspection #Retrospection #StudentOfHumanity #MySixAMChronicles #ATL #Goodmorning #DamnThisNiggaIsCrazy”

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